When you make a mistake, you’ve got to admit it! (May 7, 2017 edit!)
Yesterday, I made a post about “boat inspections” and the Wyoming Welcome Center, in which I got my facts wrong – and now I’m going to set the record straight! Rather than deleting the post entirely, I’m leaving it here, as an object lesson to everyone not to jump to conclusions.
I had gone to the Wyoming Welcome Center and took the “car” entrance into the “car” parking lot.
The Welcome Center itself was closed, and so I assumed that even though people hauling boats were being told by an electronic sign situated just over the border from Colorado that they had to stop at the Welcome Center to have their boats inspected, it was not happening!
But it was. The Welcome Center is operated by Wyoming Tourism, the Boat Inspection station is operated by Wyoming Fish & Game. They were open, and if I’d take the “truck” entrance I would have seen the signs telling boat haulers where to go.

The inspection station. The crew’s station on the left, the sign telling people with boats to stop on the right.
In my defense, the reason why I just assumed that no boat inspections were happening on the weekends even though the sign on I-25 was telling people with boats to stop there, is because of my knowledge of the Port of Entry on I-80/Greeley Highway, which is not open on Saturdays and Sundays even though trucks continue to use the roads on those days! (There’s an electronic sign on the road that tells truckers whether the Port of Entry is open or closed, and it indicates that it’s closed on these days – but my point is that if trucks are entering the state on weekends, that Port of Entry should be open!)
Lesson learned – fully investigate a location before jumping to conclusions!
Where’s the logic in this – original post on May 6, 2017
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As I crossed the border into Wyoming, I saw an electric sign saying, “All boats must stop for inspection at the Wyoming Welcome Center.”
That’s because Wyoming is attempting to stop the spread of invasive species into its lakes.
I drove to the Southeast Wyoming Welcome Center (you can see the article here (Southeast Wyoming Welcome Center), because I wanted to take some photos of the sculpture group, “The Greeting and the Gift” and discovered that, at the present moment, the Center is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
So, there’s no one around to inspect any of the boats that may stop in to be inspected, as instructed by that electric sign!
The Cheyenne Port of Entry on I-25 is open today….why don’t the trucks hauling boats just stop there?
If you’ve got an electric sign, presumably you can program it to turn on and off. Why have the sign on today, when the Center isn’t open?
Tourist season is just getting started, and I’m sure the Southeast Wyoming Welcome Center’s hours will change soon to being open every day, but right now they’re on winter hours, so making people hauling boats stop at the Center today, wasting probably a half-hour of their time, doesn’t make any sense.

One of the two signs pointing the way to the Wyoming Fish & Game Boat Inspection station (which I didn’t see before making my first post above!!!!) This photo added during my May 7 edit).