The Hasthtag Travvie series of posts reveals a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a travel blogger. I am trying to turn the hashtag I coined, #travvie, into the equivalent of the “foodie.” A travvie is a traveler who is a tourist, a collector of experiences, a curious soul interested in everything. If that is you, start using the #travvie, too!
I’m writing a destination guide for Cheyenne in which I’ll be giving detailed instructions on how to see every single Big Boot in Cheyenne in one concerted “Boot Hunt” around the city.
I’ve visited the Boots many times, but for some reason I decided for this guide I’d take photos of the boots from head on (boot toe pointed forward) This despite the fact that I know very well that the artists designed designed the Boots to be seen from a side view. I don’t know why I decided to take all the photos this way, knowing all the Boots as I do….I just did.

“Where the Deer and the Antelope Play” boot on the east corner of the Cheyenne Depot Plaza. From a head on view, you can’t see that a deer and an antelope are playing poker. The slightly darker cream-colored building in the upper right hand corner is part of the Plains hotel.
There were 19 “original” Big Boots – a fund raising initiative in 2004 to raise money to help restore the Cheyenne Depot. Local artists painted the boots – each one 13 feet high – and local businesses bought them at “auction” and put them outside their places of business or at other appropriate spots.
The Boots proved so popular that a handful of businesses commissioned new Boots for their properties.
I was returning from photographing the “New Frontier in Retail” Boot at the Walmart Distribution Plaza (one of the specially commissioned Boots). To do so I took Happy Jack Road/Missile Drive south back to town, and then turned east/left onto 24th Street because I wanted to go to the Laramie County Library (home to the Book Boot).
I have taken the Missile Drive exit to 24th Street many times over the years – I occasionally go to Fort Collins, Colorado with a friend and drive her back to her house on 24th Street via I25 and the Missile Drive exit.
This time, after made the turn onto 24th and before I’d gone two blocks, I casually glanced to the right – and saw a Boot. A Boot that I had never seen before. It was up a rise in the parking lot of the Black Hills Energy headquarters.
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I immediately turned around, drove into the parking lot, got out and took some photos of the Boot.
Since it was Sunday, I couldn’t go in and ask anyone how long the Boot had been there or if it had always been there.
I may not be the most noticing of people, but I’m sure I would have noticed that Boot on one of my other drives along that stretch of road!
I am reminded of that old axiom of Sherlock Holmes’ – “You see but you do not observe.”
It is clearly a “commissioned” Boot with “energy” images of all kinds.

Not quite sure what the black stuff on the toe of the boot is supposed to be….oil?

Wind farm, natural gas truck, natural gas pump

Black Hills Energy sign in the distance. Was taking photo into the sun so it’s a bit too dark to see clearly.
This is the joy of being a #travvie – coming across things unexpectly. Even if you may or may not driven past them several times over the last five years!