Mirror Lake Scenic Byway Brochure
Native American encampments. Pioneer trails including the Mormon Trail, California Trail, and the Pony Express Trail. Original transcontinental railroad route. Ghost towns. Charcoal kilns. Ranching heritage.
Intriguing views of the Uinta Mountains
Mountain biking, ATV and snowmobiling opportunities. Sulphur Creek Reservoir offers fishing, boating and windsurfing.
The Bear River, the longest meandering river in North America which does not flow into an ocean. Diverse wildlife and vegetation.
Utah Resources
Legends of lost Spanish gold mines. Tie hack cabins.
Panoramic views and vistas of the Uinta Mountains.
Abundant opportunities in the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest for hiking, backpacking, camping, hunting, fishing, boating, horseback riding, mountain biking, ATV use, snowmobiling, and XC skiing.
Geology of the Uinta Mountains. Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest. High alpine rivers and lakes. A variety of flora and fauna.
Byway Theme – Timeless Tracks
The theme, Timeless Tracks, represents natural and man-made tracks. The Bear River is the longest natural track along the byway Tracks have been made by animals, Native Americans, mountain men, pioneers pulling handcarts or guiding wagons, homesteaders, tie hack workers and the water flumes that were built, and by gandy dancers who constructed the transcontinental railroad.
Tracks continue to be made by those who live adjacent to the byway and by visitors. Travel with us through time along the Mirror Lake Scenic Byway from Evanston, Wyoming to Kamah, Utah. Experience history, culture, natural and scenic wonders, and recreational opportunities. Make your own tracks as you enjoy one of America’s most unique scenic byways!
Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest
Recreation Fee
A fee is required for recreational use within the Mirror Lake fee demonstration area. 100% of the revenue generated is returned to the area where it is used to maintain and enhance visitor services, recreational facilities, and the protection of natural resources.
Road and Travel Information
Plan a leisurely drive as you travel the 80-mile Mirror Lake Scenic Byway. Be prepared for a wide range of temperature extremes and rapidly changing weather conditions. During the winter months, the scenic byway is closed 30 miles south of Evanston and 15 miles east of Kamas. You can still enjoy snowmobiling and other winter activities.
Contact Information
- Evanston Chamber of Commerce (800) 328-9708
- Bear River State Park – Evanston (307) 789-6540
- USFS Evanston Ranger District (307) 789-3194
- Bear River Ranger Station (435) 642-6662
- USFS Heber-Kamas Ranger Districts (435) 783-4338
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