Up until about the middle of 216, the building at 1706 S. Greeley Highway (on the west corner of the intersection of Greeley Highway and College Avenue) was a Black Cat Fireworks business.
That building was torn down, the site was cleaned up, and a Maverik Gas Station was built in its place. I kept meaning to take photos of its construction but whenever I’d drive by the sun was always in the wrong place.
About a month ago (March, 2017), a big mound of earth appeared about a block behind the Maverik, at the corner of College Avenue and Vine Street.
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The huge mound of Earth at Pine and College. The view is looking east. (You can barely see the Maverik gas station behind the yellow truck in the upper left, which is on Greeley Highway which runs North and South).
I think these apartments are going to run the entire length of the block…presumably this mound of earth is from excavation for a basement or something, and when it’s taken away a parking lot or park will be here.
We will see!