Probably every city and state in the US has only two seasons. There’s the winter season, and then there’s the construction season.
What I’ve noticed in five years of living in Cheyenne and traveling around the state is that the roads that are typically dug up and resurfaced never have anything obviously wrong with them, while plenty of roads – especially throughout Cheyenne – obviously need to be re-surfaced and re-curbed but these are rarely touched!
Construction pops up when you least expect it!
A couple of weeks ago I drove to Pine Bluffs – a small town on the eastern border with Nebraska – to do some research. It was a pleasant drive, and access to Pine Bluffs from I-80 was easy.
Two days ago I drove back there to continue my research, and all of a sudden one lane of I-80 is blocked off in each direction and there are detour signs to get into the city.
Sometimes within 24 hours!
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Yesterday I had parked in the Jack Spiker Parking Garage (Spiker was mayor of Cheyenne from 2001-2009) , at the corner of Carey and 15th Street, and all was well.
I returned today and the opposite corner, in front of the Crown Royal Bar, is being torn up. Why? Who knows?

Just in front of the Lincoln Memorial Highway marker on the corner of Carey and 15th there is need for some resurfacing…but the construction is on the other side of the street!
Always allow for construction
The instructions in our Destination Guides always err on the side of too much detail rather than too little, but please bear in mind that we have no control over roads or lanes that are suddenly closed for construction, businesses that go under after we’ve mentioned them in our articles, and so on!
While GPS is great, it’s a great idea to study a print map of where you’re going, just in case your GPS hasn’t been updated since some city made some changes to its roads – that does happen!