If you are looking for Balistreri Vineyards and you enter the address—1946 East 66th Avenue in Denver—into your GPS, you may wonder why you have been led to this industrial and warehouse location. There is a reason why John Balistreri chose this place for his winery.
The winemaker’s family were Italian immigrants and when they settled in North Denver, they grew and sold vegetables. In 1964, John established a carnation farm on his family’s land. On this same acreage, in metal Quonset huts and rudimentary outbuildings, John eventually began producing wine, in keeping with his Italian heritage.
John’s love of wine led him, his wife Birdie, and daughter Julie to offer their first vintage for sale in 1998. A small tasting room—now the winery’s gift shop— opened in 2000. The winery has since evolved into a facility that includes an event center, restaurant, much larger tasting room, and a wine production cellar that yields around 6,000 cases annually.
This family’s wines contain nothing but the grape, with no sulfites and no added yeast. Balistreri sources 98 percent of its wine grapes in Colorado. Each vintage of red or white wine is produced from a single vineyard where the grapes are hand-picked, and each bottle comes from a single barrel. The bottle is hand-filled, hand-corked and labeled, hand-waxed, and hand-stamped with the name of the vineyard of origin.
In addition to a fine selection of wine for sale and a welcoming tasting room, Balistreri Vineyards also offers a seasonally inspired lunch menu that includes appetizers, small plates, sandwiches and entrees.
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After enjoying a tasting, complimentary cheese and crackers, lunch, and a glass of wine, ask John or Birdie if they will take you into the wine cellar for a tour. Learning the history of the winery and the Balistreri wine-making process will cap off a memorable afternoon.
Numerous special events mark the winery’s calendar. The Fall Harvest Party with grape stomping for the kids, barrel tastings, special dinners, and the delicious cherry pie weekend in July are but a few.

The winery hosts special dinners throughout the year where wine is the star.
(Photo courtesy of Balistreri Vineyards)

The winery’s delicious cherry pies (made only in July) are filled with the same fruit used in their cherry dessert wine.
(Photo courtesy of Balistreri Vineyards)
For wine aficionados or those seeking a unique place for lunch, Balistreri Vineyards is a not-to-be missed experience. The winery is open for wine tasting, tours, and lunch daily from 11 AM until 5 PM.