Who could imagine that one man’s hand-built HO scale model railroad would evolve–over a period of five-and-a-half years and with more than 30,000 hours of volunteer labor—into what the editor of Model Railroader magazine calls “the finest model railroad I’ve ever seen.”
It’s the Colorado Model Railroad Museum, located in downtown Greeley, Colorado.

Many different types of trains roll down the tracks.
(Photo courtesy Colorado Model Railroad Museum)
The highlight of the museum is a 5,500 square foot train layout that showcases multiple trains going every which way around the tracks. The museum is so much more than trains, however, for hand-constructed scenery with miniature towns, industries, natural vistas, and countless other scenarios delight visitors of all ages.

The miniature world keeps visitors as enthralled as do the trains.
(Photo courtesy Colorado Model Railroad Museum)
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At the front desk, ask for a copy of the Eye-Spy game for a list of objects to find around the museum. A challenge might be trying to find “a girl meeting skunks.” Difficult, perhaps, because the girl is about 1/2” tall and the skunks measure about 1/8”!
So, come for the trains, the mechanics and science, or the miniature world. But do stop by the Colorado Model Railroad Museum for a look at model railroading at its very best.