Cheyenne Frontier Days has ended for its 121st year, and so has the PRCA Rodeo. The PRCA rodeo in Cheyenne lasted for 9 days and had dozens of contestants in the 7 categories – bareback riding, bull riding, saddle bronc riding, steer roping, steer wrestling, team roping and tie-down roping.
Here’s a list of the results, posted in alphabetical order by event.
Barrel Racing (only women’s event)
Stevi Hillman of Weatherford, Texas compiled a time of 52.44 seconds on her three runs to win the buckle, and take home over $22,500.
- Steve Hillman
- Kim Schulze
- Brittany Pozzi-Tonozzi
- Cassidy Kruse
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Team of rider and horse must cut the barrels as close as possible
The men’s events
The top scores for two rides during the course of the rodeo culminated in a final ride on this final day. Prize money mentioned is cumulative over the course of the rodeo for top ride of the day, etc.
1) Bareback riding buckle
Tim O’Connell, from Zwingle, Iowa, the reigning world champion in bareback riding, took home that buckle again.
- Tim O’Connell
- Jake Vold
- tied between Tilden Hooper and Clayton Biglow
- Lane McGehee
- Luke Creasey
2) Bull Riding buckle
Clayton Folton of Winnie, Texas won the bull riding buckle.
- Clayton Foltyn
- Cole Melancon
- Shane Proctor
3) Saddle Bronc buckle
It’s been over 12 years since a Wyomingite won the CFD saddle bronc title – Brody Cress of Hillsdale, Wyoming accomplished it this year. In addition to the glory, he won over $14,000 during the course of this CFD rodeo.
- Brody Cress
- Bradley Harter
- Zeke Thurston
- Jake Wright
- Cody DeMoss
- Jacobs Crawley
4) Steer Roping buckle
Brady Garten of Chelsea, Oklahoma won the steer roping buckle and almost $11,000, compiling a 51.6 time over the course of his three rounds.
- Brady Garten
- Bryce Davis
- Shorty Garten (Brady’s father)
- Brian Garr
5) Steer Wrestling buckle
Baylor Roche, of Tremonton Utah, won the steer wrestling buckle by posting the best overall aggregate score.
- J. D. Struxness (best score of the day)
- Kyle Irwin
- Aaron Vosler
- Baylor Roche
- Jason Thomasd
- Olin Hannum
- Scott Guenther
- Beau Clark
6) Team Roping buckles
The team roping title was shared by two teams this year, both of whom finished their three runs in in 28.4 seconds. Brandon Webb (header) and Kollin VonAhn (heeler), a team that has worked together for only 6 months, were in a tie with Erich Rogers (header) and Cory Petska (heeler).
- Erich Rogers Cory Petska
- Garrett Rogers and Jake Minor
- Brandon Webb and Kollin VonAhn
- Joshua and Jonathan Torres
- Riley and Brady Minor
- Dustin Egusquiza and Kory Koontz
7) Tie-down (Calf roping) buckle
Lane Livingston of Seymour, Texas, a rookie, won the CFD tie-down (calf roping) buckle for his total aggregate score.
- Josh Peek and Ryan Jarrett (tie in final round)
- Lane LivingstonCooper Martin
- Monty Lewis
- K. C. Miller
- Trevor Brazile
- Michael Otero

The barrel man (clown) watches intently as another clown guides a bucking bull away from the downed rider